Antimicrobial radiation treatment of spices and dried herbs
Accelerated electron treatment is more effective and safer than fumigation, most preservatives, heat and chemical treatments. Increases shelf life by 2-4 times and opens new opportunities for your business.
We provide recommendations on interaction with Rospotrebnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor, Rosstandart and other agencies.
Ensuring microbiological safety of products during the declared shelf life in accordance with TR CU 021/2011, SanPiN 2.3.2
We collaborate with foreign scientific organisations, regional centres, research institutes, industry communities and laboratories.
What the treatment provides
Purposes of phytosanitary treatments
Microbiological control of dry spices shows an excess of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM), as well as the number of moulds and yeasts. Treatment with ionising radiation significantly reduces their number or completely eliminates them.
Toxic substances in spices and seasonings
Yeasts are a natural component of the normal microflora of plant organisms. During the production of spices and seasonings, some of the microorganisms remain viable and can lead to an increase in the microbial load of the finished product.
Despite the small number and low microbiological contamination of spices, they make a significant contribution to the overall contamination of finished products and can influence shelf life. Ionising radiation significantly reduces the content of yeast microflora in spices, thereby reducing the content of toxic chemicals in the finished product and increasing their shelf life.
Processing of spices and dried herbs