Antimicrobial ionising treatment of fruits and vegetables
The use of ionising radiation is the most effective technology to reduce losses during storage and to increase the level of microbiological safety of products from vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.
There is practically no change in product temperature during processing. The quality of the product is maintained even at positive storage temperatures. Consequently, an opportunity is created for saving cold.
As a result of such treatment, the total number of microorganisms is reduced and its subsequent development is delayed. As a result of reducing spoilage losses by 2-5 times during storage, high product quality is preserved.
What the treatment provides
Treatment of fruits and vegetables
It is possible to estimate the effect of the technology application - from the initial 3-5 days shelf life increased to 9 (!), moreover, the last 3 days of this period the products were in a warm room at +25 °
*a mixture of minced fresh fruit and vegetables
Smoothie* processing as an example
We provide recommendations on interaction with Rospotrebnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor, Rosstandart and other agencies
We collaborate with foreign scientific organisations, regional centres, research institutes, industry communities and laboratories.
The technology of antimicrobial treatment of products with accelerated electrons is a direct competitor to other methods of food preservation.
Come and visit us with the whole team. We will give you a tour, a trial treatment and a tasting. We will show you in practice how antimicrobial treatment can save you money and reduce the risks!