Antimicrobial ionising treatment of fish and seafood
Non-chemical antimicrobial treatment is suitable for all types of fish and seafood. Antimicrobial treatment of fish and seafood with accelerated electrons guarantees complete preservation of taste, smell and other quality characteristics of the products.
We provide recommendations on interaction with Rospotrebnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor, Rosstandart and other agencies
We collaborate with foreign scientific organisations, regional centres, research institutes, industry communities and laboratories.
The treated fish and seafood complies with all microbiological norms and standards and ensures long-term storage without the use of preservatives or other chemicals.
As a result of such treatment, the total number of microorganisms is reduced and the subsequent development of product spoilage is delayed. As a result of reduction of spoilage losses by 2-5 times during storage, high quality products are preserved.
What the treatment provides
Fish and seafood processing
Special attention in the world practice is paid to antimicrobial treatment of salmon fish species, which are noted for their unique flavour characteristics and are highly valued in the market. The use of non-chemical antimicrobial treatment of salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, sei salmon, chinook salmon and other valuable commercial species allows to achieve a significant reduction or complete inactivation of all pathogenic microflora.
Which fish species are suitable for processing
Such treatment is also applicable to all fish species of the sturgeon, carp, perch, mackerel, cod, mackerel and other families.
Come and visit us with the whole team. We will give you a tour, a trial treatment and a tasting. We will show you in practice how antimicrobial treatment can save you money and reduce the risks!
The technology of antimicrobial treatment of products with accelerated electrons is a direct competitor to other methods of food preservation.